There's a bug in Doom 2D Forever that's really bothering me.
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Author:  Natezul [ 06 Apr 2019, 17:44 ]
Post subject:  There's a bug in Doom 2D Forever that's really bothering me.

Hello, I decided to boot up this game again after a while. Now that I'm playing it, there's a really weird bug that keeps happening. It's kinda hard to explain, but here I go:

The bug causes some textures to disappear for about 1 or 2 frames every once in a while and it happens so much that it's really bothersome. Like... textures are just flickering.
This happens only to textures that hide away secrets/textures you walk in/foreground textures.

I tried many things like: messing with the graphics and games options, changing Windows compatibility to WinXP (Pack 3) and Win7, disabling fullscreen optimizations... but nothing worked.

Anyone know a fix, please? :?

Author:  DeaDDooMER [ 07 Apr 2019, 00:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: There's a bug in Doom 2D Forever that's really bothering

I don't think that problem in the game, we don't have complex effects, so there nothing to break. Try to update your video drivers, this helps in such rare graphics bugs.

Author:  binarymaster [ 07 Apr 2019, 00:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: There's a bug in Doom 2D Forever that's really bothering

Natezul wrote:
I tried many things like: messing with the graphics and games options, changing Windows compatibility to WinXP (Pack 3) and Win7, disabling fullscreen optimizations... but nothing worked.
Try Mesa 3D software renderer.

Author:  Чёрный Думер [ 07 Apr 2019, 08:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: There's a bug in Doom 2D Forever that's really bothering

Natezul wrote:
The bug causes some textures to disappear for about 1 or 2 frames every once in a while and it happens so much that it's really bothersome. Like... textures are just flickering.
This happens only to textures that hide away secrets/textures you walk in/foreground textures.
Any screenshots please?

Author:  Natezul [ 07 Apr 2019, 08:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: There's a bug in Doom 2D Forever that's really bothering

Nevermind, I found the problem. Playing the game in your USB drive causes the glitch, I'll just move it to my computer's disk and play it from there. Thanks for the help anyway!

Author:  DeaDDooMER [ 07 Apr 2019, 12:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: There's a bug in Doom 2D Forever that's really bothering


Author:  Jabberwock [ 10 Apr 2019, 11:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: There's a bug in Doom 2D Forever that's really bothering

Natezul wrote:
Nevermind, I found the problem. Playing the game in your USB drive causes the glitch, I'll just move it to my computer's disk and play it from there. Thanks for the help anyway!
Very strange.

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